
Showing posts from February, 2024

#23 - Moon or Star (2★)

 Rules: Place stars into some empty cells such that each row, column, and outlined region contains exactly 2 stars. Stars may not touch one another, not even diagonally. Additionally, draw a non-intersecting loop through the centers of some cells which passes through each region exactly once. Within a region, the loop must pass through all moons and no stars, or all stars and no moons. The loop may not pass through the same type of clue in two consecutively used regions. Solve it online

#22 - Hotaru Beam

 Rules:   For each circle in the grid, draw a path starting from its black dot, moving along the gridlines, and ending at a circle (including potentially the same one it started at), but not on the side containing another black dot. Paths may not cross themselves, each other, or pass through circles. A number in a circle represents how many turns the path exiting from its dot will make. All circles must be joined by paths to form one connected network. Solve it online